Tweak Python for Windows to use less of your C Drive

Wed Apr 15, 2020 · 183 words

Python’s Windows installer is very good nowadays, but there are a couple of tweaks you can apply to make it easier for Python to use less of your C Drive, which is especially useful if you have a small SSD.

What I end up doing is:

Step 1. Install Python to D Drive. For instance, a folder like D:\ProgramsDir\Python\Python38. I typically don’t add Python to the PATH because I have a doskey alias that adds the required directories to my PATH inside of a Command Prompt, but people who use a lot of Python may find it useful to let the installer add Python (and Scripts, etc) to the PATH.

Step 2. Store per-user site-packages on D. Set the user environment variable PYTHONUSERBASE to point the per-user site-packages directory to, for instance, D:\Data\PyData. See PEP 370 for more details.

Step 3. Virtual Environments. The other thing that chews up space on C: is virtual environments. To get virtual environments on Windows, I install virtualenvwrapper-win (using pip). I then set the user environment variable WORKON_HOME to D:\Data\PyEnvs. Virtualenvs are now created under this directory.

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